Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Poker in the Eye

I'm still spending far too much time with my XBox poker game, and I think I've learned enough to not embarrass myself playing with live human beings. I'll have to try it again soon. I'm beating the computer characters (even the highest level ones) on a regular basis, but real people are certain to be more challenging.

I tried the Fable game as well, and while it has entertainment value, I get more of the same sort of pleasure out of paper-&-pencil RPGs with live human beings. I'll still pull it out now and again, though.

I've broken out the GURPS Character Assistant and finished most of the characters for "A Slice of Blackwoods". I anticipate finishing them soon, then doing a little fine tuning, and might be finished with the whole thing within the next week or so.

I've been moved at work, and I'm now reporting to a new boss, but still doing the same thing I am now. We'll see how that goes as I get to know the new boss. On the bright side, the reason I've been moved is that there's been a minor reorganization that's supposed to lighten the workload a little. I'll believe that when I see it, but I want to believe it. :-) I've succeeded so far this year in my goal of doing a better job coping with the stress, but obviously it's far too early in the year to get excited about that, and a change in superiors is likely to be a minor additional stressor.

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