Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

I still hadn't really caught up on things since returning from GenCon, but this past weekend helped a lot. My wife finally accepted that she needed some down time, and took four hours to watch "Return of the King" from our new Lord of the Rings DVD set. I like those movies, but not enough to sit quite that long for them, so I was doing other things and was in and out of the room at various points.

We'd had a bomb scare at work Thursday of last week, which cost us a half day in the morning while the building was evacuated. Everybody was fairly sure it was a hoax from the beginning (and it was), but you don't want to take chances with those things. It wasn't a big deal for me personally, since I was fairly caught up on my work. So, my wife, a co-worker and I went to a nearby Barnes & Noble for a few hours, and of course my wife and I came back with a bunch of books.

I've already finished the back half of "Broken Music" by Sting (picked up during that trip), because that's the half covering the beginning of the Police, and was the part most interesting to me. Sting writes prose well enough, unsurprisingly, and is willing to be critical of his own actions in spots. It's a decent book if you're interested in the subject matter, but nothing remarkable.

I'm currently reading Neil Gaiman's "Anansi Boys". It's a lot of fun, but slow going because I'm reading it over lunches at work and don't have that much time for it.

I've caught up on some of my scenario warehouse editing duties for SJG's Men In Black, which I'd been neglecting. Now I've got to get back to some writing of my own.

The new iteration of Fluid is done and in the hands of the players in my home campaign. I've realized that it's probably nothing more than an easy and effective light generic RPG rather than the more revolutionary beast I'd hoped for, but I'll work with it a bit more and see what happens. The tricky part remains giving players more opportunity to add elements than most RPGs do without bogging them down with narrative duties most of them don't want.

Now that life is back on a more even keel, let's see what I can get done...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

about Fluid, i think ya just need to make those "narrative duties" not seem like chores. offering ideas to those who draw a blank. it's a weird balance, you wanna offer help to those who don't feel that they're *that* creative, for whatever reason(i think they've just been handed too much entertainment), without confining the more creative players. creative players need to be focused, and not-so-creative ones need to be softly nudged. the idea's to elevate everyone. i think it's more that people are self concious of their creativity than having none. i think self conciousness can kinda ruin it on some level, at least the push into the unknown. there
has to be that level of uncertainy for creative endeavors to be exciting. i wouldn't jump too far to conclusions, we've really only played Fluid like ONCE or TWICE. yeah, it's not too new an idea...but hey, it's not too bad either. really, it's worlds better than GURPS, in just a couple pages.