Saturday, November 17, 2007

Rolling Right Along

I was able to get out to our storage unit and retrieve copies of my earlier convention scenarios more easily than I'd planned, which is a Good Thing. I should be able to finish "Fear Itself" very soon as a result.

"Too Much is Never Enough" for Don't Rest Your Head has been progressing nicely. I've had a few of those enjoyable moments in the last week, when I realized that things I hadn't intended to connect had come together in unanticipated and beautiful ways. This is usually a sign that I'm on the right track. I get the sense that this one's going to run like my Sorcerer games, which have gone well, on the whole. The main difference is going to be that surreal element. The rule book intentionally leaves the setting quite undefined, while still giving me a certain feel to shoot for, and I'd like to get it right.

I just received my copy of GURPS Martial Arts, which should come into play for the next installment of GURPS Cabal. I haven't had time to even look at the table of contents yet, but it looks like my next three projects are all making significant progress in the same week.

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