Monday, May 25, 2009

Tiger by the Tail - Panic was Unnecessary

So what did I do with my three day weekend, during which the weather was absolutely beautiful? Went on a writing binge and barely even went outside! I came home from work uncharacteristically exhausted on Friday night and fell asleep around 6:30 PM or so. I woke up before dawn on Saturday morning and messed up my sleeping rhythm for the rest of the weekend.

However, on the plus side, I got on a writing roll first thing on Saturday morning and spent most of Saturday, most of Sunday, and a little time on Monday writing and creating GURPS character sheets. Some of the characters need a little tweaking (which I expect to do over the next two or three days), but I could run it right now if I had to.

Not bad for a scenario I was worried about finishing in time for DexCon! I don't usually like to write like this, but I'm not going to reject it when it happens. It's fitting in that I'd gotten the initial idea the same way, as a burst of creativity that insisted on being expressed. Like "A Slice of Blackwoods", this one is a decent enough fantasy adventure, but it's the character dynamic that really drives it.

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