Saturday, December 19, 2009

RPG Projects - Let It Snow!

We're getting some serious snow here, and the plan is to stay at home for the day. We could go out if we needed to, but why risk it if it isn't necessary? It'll be a nice change from recent events, actually. My wife has a sizable project for work that requires computer use, so I'll have to find other things to do most of the day.

Taking inventory, I found that I actually have quite a lot I'd like to do, but since I've really been slacking on RPG writing, I'll spend at least a little time working on the "Room Service" scenario for Paranoia. I've done some work on this one in the last week or so, and the theme does hang together, though it rather overshadows my original intentions. That's fine as long as it works as a whole, and I think it will.

If I still have time and the inclination, I may also work on the local Cabal campaign that I haven't started yet, but other priorities will likely delay the start of that campaign anyway, so it's less of an immediate need.

The last time I remember being snowed in, it turned out to be a remarkably nice and productive day. I wrote virtually an entire RPG scenario in white heat while my wife curled up on the couch and read a book. And the system I was using for that particular writing session? Paranoia! This could turn out to be a good day.

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