Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Another Mission from God

I finished my most recent In Nomine scenario today, largely because I was able to spend a lot of time on it over the last couple of days. So it looks like I'll have two new scenarios ready for DexCon after all. It turned out that I was able to do a few things differently with it than I have in the past. The PCs are all one team, and there are significant differences in the opposition from what I've done before (can't give those differences away here, though). My last IN scenario didn't draw at the last DexCon. I didn't see some of my IN regulars, so I assume they didn't follow the change in the con location, or had other reasons not to come. Looks as though I'll have to build a new audience for it from scratch, or move on to other things.

So now I'll take a short break from RPG writing to get the two new scenarios properly playtested and leave a little time for revisions before the con. Might take the time to write a couple of songs in the interim.

Next up, the Lovecraftian installment of my GURPS Cabal series, to be run next year.

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