Thursday, February 07, 2013

JW - 2/3/2013

I'd been looking forward to this session after working with our general sound last week.  I was ultimately a little disappointed.  It helps to have Andy's guitar in the monitors, but we ultimately ended up so loud again that I couldn't hear Keith's voice at all and couldn't hear Bill's voice as much as I would've liked.

We went back over some old material and made sure to include the newest songs.  You can tell we hadn't hit some of the old songs for a while.  Fortunately, we'll be focusing on these again in the coming weeks, and I'm sure they'll be fine after we give them some attention.

Andy is doing a nice job of getting the sounds for "Let It Be".  Still don't know if that's really a bar song, but it sounds good.  Enjoying the vocals on "Surrender", but we're not consistent enough in how we're doing the group vocals at the end.  I think the crowd is going to love that one, though.  Re: "Movin' On", we hardly need another Bad Company song, but I think it's in there chiefly for political balance within the band, and I'm fine with that.

I know everybody is a little bored of the old stuff, but you've got to touch on it on occasion or you lose the tightness.  I've always favored a systematic return periodically to any song we play regularly, feeling that if there is enough of that old material, we can avoid boredom by having enough of it that it takes a long time to circle back to any one song, but "systematic" generally isn't the JW way.  Don't know why; it just isn't.

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