Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I've been meditating twice a day for the last couple of weeks, more or less steadily. I have to admit that something will get in the way every couple of days. I'm certainly more relaxed than I've ever been, and there were a few days when I found myself with this amazing charge of extra energy. I'd like to be able to duplicate that on a regular basis, but I don't know quite how I did it yet.

I'm looking forward to trying some of the more advanced techniques I've been reading about in my books, but I know I'm not ready for them yet. I don't have even the basics down. That said, early results are encouraging, and I'm anxious to see if I can continue to improve.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was gonna try and get a hold of you this week(phone call), just to say how happy i was that things with the meditating are working out quite well for you. i hate to write it on your blog, but i'm happy that you've noticed a positive difference, and i'm happy that you're trying to keep at it. i'll have to burn you a copy of Catching the Big Fish, it's quite good! fairly down to earth stuff, really. i really never considered Lynch that far out there. i don't even know where "out there" is? i think he's okay with showing something he may not understand right now, and he's got some pretty strong convictions too.