Monday, February 12, 2007

GenCon Prep

You know you're enthusiastic about a vacation when you take a day off from work just to plan that vacation. Rooms are hard to come by when 25,000 or so other people want them, too, so I'm planning on getting mine reserved today.

I've long wanted to run something at the Super Bowl of gaming, so I'm going to run a couple of events, but mostly I want to soak in the whole experience, largely in the company of my good friend Dr. Aether. The largest convention I've ever attended was probably about 5,000 people, and the largest one where I've run anything was about 1,200, so this is more than a small step up.

Revising my earlier plan, I'm going to run sessions of Sorcerer ("Well Being"), In Nomine ("Lilim Faire"), and GURPS ("A Slice of Blackwoods"). I'd intended to keep it to two systems because I wanted to limit the number of books I take with me, but couldn't bring myself to choose to get rid of any of the three, for various reasons. I'm not doing much as a Man In Black for Steve Jackson Games, but it'll have to do.

I'm excited to the point where I've lost sleep over planning this. Hopefully that'll stop once I have my room and registration secured.

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