Sunday, April 15, 2007


I've had a couple of ideas all gel together over the last two weeks or so. I've never felt a need to design my own game system, and yet that's exactly what I now find myself doing. I'd read a couple of things that led me to question what I really want in a game system, and realized that what I've been doing for many years is bending existing systems into something workable for me, but not necessarily optimal for my purpose.

I started with an existing system, and thought I could get what I needed by modifying it only slightly. Then I thought what I had was a combination of three different systems, but realized that I was actually incorporating elements of several others as I continued beyond character generation and into how the players would function together. I won't really know how good or how original this is until I try it with some players, but I'm excited by what I have so far. My Firefly campaign group seems to be willing, and we can always go back to GURPS if it doesn't work out, so I should be finding out soon enough.

1 comment:

Michael S. Miller said...

That's how it begins. And soon, sooner than you realize, you will be one of US! It is only a matter of time. MUAHAHAHA!

Let me know if I can help.