Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lives in the Balance/Dragon Lines

These are the two titles I'm considering for my current GURPS Cabal project. I think "Lives in the Balance" fits the story better, but "Dragon Lines" would probably draw more players. I'm interested in opinions on which is best if you have one.

This is the next in my Cabal series, and concerns the efforts of the the PC conspiracy group to restore the chi imbalance being suffered by one of their group because that imbalance is having disturbing and dangerous effects on that character's powers. Along the way, the players will probably learn some things about their own characters' level of balance. The balance part is obvious; "dragon lines" is a dramatic term for ley lines, which come into play as part of the story. The word "dragon" has more resonance with the RPG crowd, though it has less to do with what the story is really all about, but there is a lot of Asian flavor in the story, which makes it a bit more appropriate than it might appear to be.

I'm really enjoying doing the Cabal series, but it hasn't been drawing as well as it used to. I hate to give it up before doing the Lovecraftian entry I have planned next, though. Maybe I'll do that one with an eye toward bringing the series to an apocalyptic end.

After I finish this scenario, I'll move on to a comedic take on Sorcerer, which shouldn't take very long to do. I'm already doing a bit of associated research, and the core idea is straightforward enough. I learned from "A Dance of Pairs" that it's best to keep Sorcerer to no more than four players, a lesson I intend to apply here.

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