Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tiger by the Tail

I've gotten a decent start on "Tiger by the Tail", the sequel to "A Slice of Blackwoods" for GURPS Banestorm. I have an appropriately revised version of "Yrth in a Nutshell" done as well as revised character write-ups completed for the two characters that are being carried over from the Blackwoods story.

I should have some writing time tonight to get started on write-ups for at least one of the new characters, and I have a solid idea of who all four of them are as people (though I don't have GURPS stats for them yet) and how they relate to each other.

So it's looking pretty good for me to get these done in time for DexCon, if I stay on the ball for the next couple of weeks.


Jason D said...

Great to hear. Any idea on time slot?

Professor Raven said...

Probably Saturday afternoon, possibly Saturday evening. I'll post it here when I decide, which should be in the next day or two.

Professor Raven said...

"Tiger by the Tail" will be Saturday at 2 PM.

The GURPS Cabal scenario "Lives in the Balance" will be Saturday night at 8 PM.

"Fear Itself" for In Nomine will be Friday at 8 PM.

"Clerks 1 1/2: Sex, Demons, and Videotape" for Sorcerer will be Friday at midnight and Sunday at 2 PM.