Monday, September 07, 2009

TPK for Paranoia

I've finally gotten started again on my next convention project. TPK is an acronym for my actual working title, which I don't like very much, and also happens to be a recognized RPG term that's very appropriate for the setting. It just gives me something mildly amusing to call it until I come up with something better.

I always enjoy Paranoia, but have to admit that it's hard to come up with enough truly funny stuff. The real funny has to come from the players in the end, but you've got to give them the raw material to do it.

I have a basic outline for the situations the characters will face, and now I'm working on the player characters and their goals. For the first time, I don't have a strong and specific theme I'm using, which leaves me a bit lost in some respects. Still, I think I'm on the right track because when I describe some of the bits I'm not sure about to my wife, she laughs at the things that are supposed to be funny, and she's not shy about telling me when they aren't.

Without an obvious theme, I'm hoping this is going to turn out like the YMCA bit in the first Wayne's World movie, where it sneaks up on the audience. I'd better get back to it while I'm on a relative roll.

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