Sunday, October 25, 2009


I hadn't intended to write about Dollhouse again so soon, but they've hit it out of the park two weeks in a row, and the previews from upcoming episodes look like they're going to be in the same league. If you'd even consider jumping on the bandwagon, now is the time.

I know ratings ticked up a bit for a couple of recent episodes, but to be honest, I still don't hold out a lot of hope for the series to survive beyond the end of this season, so this really is not just me trying to get anyone I can interested. The series truly has gotten that good after a rough start.

If you want to give it a chance, I'd suggest checking out the last four episodes or so of the first season, and don't read too much into the slightly weaker first episode of the second season before the overarcing story kicks into gear. Trust me; this is well worth your time.

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