Sunday, April 03, 2011

Three Person Splunge - Nick's New Amp

Attendees: Nick, Jason, and myself. Nick has been talking about getting a new amplifier for quite a while and finally pulled the trigger this week. I must say that it was a much improved sound, and we were able to hear a lot of it because Sal was ill and unable to attend this session, leaving Nick as the only guitar player. We covered a lot of ground, especially in light of missing a core group member.

Highlights: Getting the group riff relatively correct on the Warren Zevon version of "Poor Poor Pitiful Me". We've been playing this song from the beginning and have kept making changes for one reason or another, so it's never really settled into place. We also finally got the groove right on "Runaround". We built on the groove established on "Low", though we did miss having the lead guitar parts.

Lowlights: "Psycho Killer" just didn't work this time, and none of us know why. We played it relatively late in the session and we were all getting tired by then, so maybe it was just fatigue setting in. As we've added material, the sessions have been running longer. We've been running out of gas and starting to sound bad by the end. We've got to get enough songs down solidly so we can cover more of them in one run through, or even skip them entirely for a session without losing quality in the process.

We're tentatively scheduled to get together again in two weeks, and I'm hoping we'll get to hear what we sound like with Nick's upgraded amp and Sal being back.

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