Sunday, March 04, 2012

JW - 3/4/12

We had everybody on board this time out. Again, not much new to say. We got through about two full sets of material, and continue to tighten everything up. I really goofed up "Mississippi Queen" again, but for different reasons.

Still a problem getting vocals down because the band as a whole plays so damn loud. It's just not the focus of this band, so I'll just have to do the best I can.

Andy brought his camera and took photos, primarily of Bill and I (because we're the "new guys"), for use on the band web site. I really need to remember not to wear light colored t-shirts on stage, and perhaps not ever, since they clearly make me look heavier than I realized. I've got to give Andy credit for keeping up the tech end of things. He posted recordings within a day after the last time we played, and posted photos by tonight.

Some talk again about playing out, but nothing at all solid. I get the sense that the original band members don't feel things are truly tight enough yet. My own opinion is that we could play out right now, though there would be mistakes. I don't think we should wait to look for work, because it'll take us at least a couple of weeks before any would be available, and in that couple of weeks we'll tighten up those remaining problem areas. Still, it's not within my control, so I'm not going to worry about it. If we still don't have anything scheduled in a couple of months, maybe I'll start getting concerned.

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