Monday, November 27, 2006

The Eureka Moments

In the last week, I've had two of these.

I had reached a point where I was stuck on "A Slice of Blackwood", and starting to worry that this one, too, would have to be shelved, and for similar reasons. Then while I was at someone else's house, the solution struck me out of nowhere while I was thinking about other things. It was the smallest shift in circumstances, and yet it made all the difference. There'd been no reason why the characters wouldn't just leave when things got dangerous, then suddenly there was.

A little later in the week, and I was working past the point where I'd been stuck when the next idea came to me. It was this idea that took the scenario from the fairly straightforward adventure it was to something full of possibilities that I'm excited to run next year.

These are the moments that keep me writing. Not only do I get to enjoy that lightning strike of creativity personally when it happens, but I get to see the players' reaction to that same key moment because I know when it's coming and can watch for it.

1 comment:

David Herrold said...

Maybe that's your super power?

Or maybe I watch too many episodes of Heroes.