Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A Visit from the Grim Reaper

My sister allowed her four-year-old son to choose his own Halloween costume for the first time this year. He chose a black hooded robe and a double-headed axe, for his own sort of Grim Reaper look. This choice may be proof that he's related to me. I got a big kick out of the photos of him with other kids his age. Power Ranger, Power Ranger, Fairy Princess, Buzz Lightyear, New England Patriots football player, Mermaid ... then the Grim Reaper. My sister tried getting him a silver mask to lighten the effect, but a black hooded robe with an axe isn't lightened very much by a mask under the hood.

My sister went on to tell me about how she'd taken the kids (my niece was a more conventional fairy princess) to a local assisted living facility for trick or treating (for the kids) and to spread some cheer (for the residents). My wife then pointed out that a Grim Reaper costume probably wasn't a great choice to wear to an assisted living facility for elderly people, which hadn't occurred to my sister at the time. My wife went on to step into the role of a resident, looking down at the Little Reaper and saying "Somehow I'd always thought you'd be taller."

I couldn't stop laughing.

1 comment:

David Herrold said...

It's clearly obvious that the nut doesn't fall far from the tree.

I'm glad whatever you have is contagious. The world could use a few more Grim Reapers.