Sunday, May 20, 2007

Twenty Four Hours Plus

My father-in-law had a sudden health issue over the weekend, which resulted in our sitting in the hospital emergency room for hours. The bottom line result is that we (myself, my wife, and her sister) were all awake for over twenty four hours straight. Not fun.

I understand that an ER must prioritize, and that a relatively stable situation (as his ultimately was) is a low priority from their perspective, but frankly, they didn't appear to be busy, and not much was happening. We were informed at about 7 AM that the doctor on call had been notified of the situation and would be there as soon as possible. As of shortly after 10 AM, six hours after we'd arrived, there was still no doctor available. One of the nurses told us that this particular doctor has been known to be slow to respond when he was on call. Eventually, with the situation stable and my father-in-law in the hands of the nurses, we all went home to rest, and the doctor called for more information at almost 12 noon, eight hours after we'd arrived.

Again, I understand that they have to prioritize, and our exhaustion didn't help our patience, but geez, that time frame seems more than a little ridiculous to me.

Between the house and family health issues (this isn't the only one, but this isn't the time to go into it), again, creativity will just have to wait.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'm sorry to hear that.
i hope he's doing better, and you guys are too.