Thursday, July 19, 2007

Going to DexCon in my Crocs

I've got all my stuff organized, reviewed my scenarios, and got my directions. It's DexCon time!

In all honesty, I'm not as excited as usual. I was unable to get Friday off from work, so it's just a Saturday/Sunday con for me, which for some reason takes some of the zip out of it. At least I've got Monday and Tuesday off from work afterward.

I'll be wearing my Crocs for the first time at a convention. You've probably heard about them somewhere along the way recently, since they're taking off as a fad. They're sort of sandal-like, and extremely comfortable. Because of a heating/cooling system glitch at work for the last two weeks, the dress code was relaxed and I've been wearing them to work every day of it. I've read that podiatrists have said one shouldn't assume that because they're comfortable, they're good for your feet. I have to admit that my feet started hurting here and there the last two days, but hey, it took two friggin' weeks before that happened! I'll keep my feet Croc-free tonight and tomorrow to see if that makes any difference, or if it's something else and my feet would've hurt anyway. Maybe it's just wearing them all of the time that's the problem.

I've gotten some work done on the new In Nomine scenario (which I'll simply call "Fear" as a working title) here and there this week, which is a Good Thing. I doubt that I'll get much more done before DexCon, but it's a decent start. I've been meaning to do a sequel to "Angels on the Edge" and to do a scenario involving people having nightmares for some time, and this one covers both bases. It looks like "Fear" for In Nomine and "A Dance of Pairs" for Sorcerer will be my new scenarios for 2008, and I might do another installment of my GURPS Cabal series if I'm still in the mood when I finish "Fear", and use that in 2008 as well if I finish it in time. I don't feel the need to run something in nearly every time slot at conventions anymore, since the financial reasons for that no longer exist, and I'd rather do good work, run less, and get to play a bit more than I have in the past. Looks as though I'm fully back in horror writing mode, though I'd like to shake that up before it feels too much like a rut. I see a comedy scenario somewhere in my near future, just before or just after the next Cabal story.

I'm sure I'll have a DexCon report after the con. More about that later.


David Herrold said...

What color are they?

Professor Raven said...

I think they're dark blue. My wife says they're black, and she generally has a better sense of color than I do.