Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Atrocity Archives

Just finished this book, written by Charles Stross, recommended to me by none other than Dr. Aether. Very good stuff. It's an interesting mix of Lovecraftian horror with scientific-sounding explanations and humor, largely at the expense of bureaucrats. The hero literally saves the universe and is promptly chastised by a superior for not doing the proper paperwork afterward. I loved the throw-away reference to Steve Jackson Games and the more extensive references to the "Pinky and the Brain" cartoons. I'm certain that there was a lot of computer-based humor in there as well that flew right by me, but would've had someone more technically oriented ROTFL.

One of these days, I might try a roleplaying campaign with a similar flavor, probably using Delta Green as background material and adding humorous touches. For now, I have enough creative irons in the fire.


Anonymous said...

Glad you liked it. Justine loved it too.

Headed to the HPL Film Festival next week. One of these years, you'll have to join us.


Professor Raven said...

I'd really like to do that. Probably some year when I skip GenCon.