Friday, March 13, 2009

Twenty Songs

I set a goal for myself earlier this year to learn to play a song on guitar (as well as sing it) by memory each week, for no particular reason. When the song I'd picked turned out to be too easy, sometimes I'd add another, which is how I got this many this fast. Not all of them are suited to solo performance, since the reason I chose some of them is that I was already playing them as part of the musical project (or just because I liked them even if they wouldn't work solo), but enough of them are that I could probably play a credible solo set now if I had a reason or desire to do it.

I won't actually start the twentieth song until this upcoming week, but I think after twenty, it'll be time to try something different. In my enthusiasm for something new, I've been neglecting to spend much time on bass, my usual instrument, so I think I'll step away from learning songs in particular to focus on improving my technique on both instruments. I'm sure I'll pick up a few new songs along the way, and I'll certainly need to occasionally practice the ones I've learned so I don't forget them, but I won't be so focused on accumulating material for which I have no particular need.

I'd eventually like to get back to the whole reason I started playing music in the first place, which was writing songs, but the inspiration for that hasn't returned yet, and I think I'll write better songs if I just let it happen when it happens.

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