Saturday, June 06, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Well, summer cleaning technically, I suppose. My wife and I took a couple of days off for a long weekend with no other plans than to do some long overdue cleaning. The strange thing about our approach is that we'll work into the night, sometimes as late as 3 AM, then sleep in until 11 AM or so, and do it all over again. It does tend to make things tough come Monday morning, since we usually have a hard time getting to sleep at a reasonable hour on Sunday night.

I'm not sure why we do this. It just seems to be our natural rhythm, as it happens almost every time we have more than a day or two off from work. We might go entirely nocturnal if we didn't have to work.

Progress has been good. By the end of the weekend, at the very least, our spare room will be a lot more organized than it was, and I may even be able to use it for more privacy when I meditate. We don't do this kind of major cleaning often, but we're very productive when we do.

1 comment:

Jasmine said...

Cleaning would really require time, effort and patience. You need to these stuffs in order to get rid of the germs and dirt to avoid sickness and allergies that may cause it.