Monday, July 13, 2009

DexCon - Sunday

After checking out of the hotel, I spent some dealers' room time, picking up copies of Zombies!!! from Twilight Creations and "The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen" from Magnum Opus Press. I hesitated about picking up Baron Munchausen because, as much as I enjoy the game myself from my experiences at conventions, I'm not sure that anyone I know locally will be willing to play it. Still, I decided to give them the benefit of a doubt after thinking of a few people who might be willing to at least try it.

My final session of the con was another run of "Clerks 1 1/2", with three players this time. A married couple played Jay and Silent Bob, the third player took Randal Graves, and I NPC'd Dante Hicks when we needed him. It seemed a little strange to have a woman playing Silent Bob, but she nailed it, giving me my biggest single laugh of the session by coming up behind "Jay" in character in a scene best not described in detail but entirely appropriate to the style of a Kevin Smith movie. In the end, Jay and Silent Bob lost pretty much everything they had but reaffirmed their friendship in a big way, while Randal had the best three days of his life in the company of two comely female demons before disappearing entirely from the face of the earth, never to be seen again. Yes, it breaks continuity, but it was funny and made perfect sense for the character. I've had a lot of success with Sorcerer for three years in a row now, and since preparation for it is minimal, it's likely I'll do another one for next year if I can come up with the right idea.

I must say that my last couple of convention experiences have been particularly good, and again I had that special recharge of ideas that keeps me going. I have enough new ideas to keep me going for at least another two years, and enjoyed reconnecting with some people I haven't seen in a while.

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