Sunday, October 11, 2009

October Music Project Session

We finally had the same three musicians turn up two sessions in a row. Rob was back on guitar, enabling me to stay on bass for virtually the entire session. My only guitar time was a quick run through one song to show Rob what I'd been playing for a song he was unfamiliar with, and two songs played through with Jason after Rob had left to keep those songs in some degree of practice for us while Rob gets up to speed.

The good news is that the songs that Rob has learned sound good, all limitations considered. A three piece band with one singer playing songs recorded by larger groups with more than one singer has to do some adapting to make things work. The bad news is that Rob learns relatively slowly. The good news is that we only get together once a month, so he has plenty of time between sessions to practice.

We've started hearing some interest from other people who'd like to come in to play at some point, which is what I'd had in mind from the start, but we're still not drawing much vocal help. Things are trending in the right direction, though, so maybe help will come in time.

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