Saturday, October 03, 2009


I think I've found the stressbuster I've been looking for. I haven't taken breaks at work in many years, but I've started doing ten minute mini-meditation sessions mid-morning and mid-afternoon, whether I feel like I need it or not, and it's really working for me. I've found that even if I feel fine, there's almost always a certain amount of stress lurking in the wings that I can find and eliminate before it builds to the point of being an issue.

Meditation in general continues to work for me. I feel generally sharper and calmer than I ever have. There have been some interesting side effects, too. I've always carried my tension in my neck, and now that I'm dealing better with stress, I can feel a significant difference there. It also seems to have helped my singing voice, which came as a pleasant surprise, but it makes sense. Less tension in the body makes it a better instrument.

Now if I could find a solution to the problem of there not being enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do, I'd really be set.

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