Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hope Everybody Had a Happy Christmas

My Christmas isn't over yet, strictly speaking, as I still have a visit with one of my sisters to go, but the seasonal flurry of activity is substantially over. Overall, things were more low key than usual for various reasons, primarily due to time needed for my father-in-law.

Work was far less busy than prior years, thanks to some changes made by company management. It would have been a very tough season for me if that hadn't happened.

My wife and I had a wonderful Christmas visit with Dr. Aether and his charming wife-to-be. If I'm ever going to be able to talk my wife into a long trip to visit anyone, it will be to see the two of them.

Now I'm looking forward to finding a new balance going into the new year. I'll still have to spend a lot of father-in-law time for the foreseeable future, but will have fewer other issues competing for my attention.

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