Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010 Convention Plans

I'm again looking at a lean convention schedule for 2010, with only DexCon as a sure thing. I'll post here if that should change. My repeat offerings will be "Lives in the Balance" for GURPS Cabal and "Tiger by the Tail" for GURPS Banestorm. The definite new scenario is "Room Service" for Paranoia, which is finally coming together.

I'd like to offer at least one other new scenario, but time is getting away from me, and inspiration seemingly in short supply. The most likely possibility is something for In Nomine. I'm not going to throw something together just for the sake of offering something new; I'd rather simply do less GMing than usual and pay to get into the convention than do that.

I've been saying for some time now that I need to reprioritize my spare time, and that's going to be even more important now that I'm going to have less of it for the foreseeable future. My tentative plan is to put writing into the same rotation as playing music to see if that helps.

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