Sunday, February 21, 2010

Creative Updates

Yet another music project session bit the dust this weekend, this time due to snow related injury. Grrr. The female singer is definitely out due to personal issues that emerged in her life. The guitar player I'd gotten together with on one occasion remains a possibility, as well as another guitar player that Jason found. And so it goes...

I've written another verse of one of the songs I'd been working on. Songwriting has to take a back seat to RPG writing, at least for a while, since I'm running out of time to get a second new event ready for DexCon and I'd like to get my local Cabal campaign going as promised.

The new In Nomine idea still needs a lot of work, but it's the sort of work I like to do (mainly writing character backgrounds for NPCs), so I doubt that's going to be a problem.

For the last couple of days, the main creative project has been the local Cabal campaign. I finally figured out whodunnit for the murder mystery that will be one of the main story arcs of the campaign, and a lot of other things will fall into place from there. I don't need too many specifics, as the players would derail any but the most general of plans anyway, but some things really have to be in place from the beginning, or the campaign won't hang together.

I'll jump back and forth between the con scenario and the local campaign as inspiration takes me for the next week or so, and see how that goes.

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