Friday, May 14, 2010

Drunk Dialed By An Ex

Ex-bandmate, that is. My phone started ringing at roughly midnight on a weeknight earlier this week. I picked it up, assuming it had to be something serious for someone to be calling me at that hour, and it turned out it was somebody I'd been in a band many years ago, suggesting that we get the band back together to play sometime. He said he'd been watching a documentary about the Doors, and since we'd played a couple of Doors songs, it reminded him of the old band and got him thinking about it. I'm sure he was who he said was, because it would be even weirder for someone to call pretending to be him after all these years.

He didn't actually sound drunk, but I can't think of any other reason someone would make a phone call like that. If it was supposed to be a joke, it doesn't seem funny to me, even from the point of view of the caller. It also doesn't make any sense that he would want this band to get back together for any reason at all, because he wasn't on good terms with any of the members within two years after the breakup. And why would he insist on giving me his phone number and asking that I call him back if this was a joke? The only answer I can think of is that it is actually somebody else's phone number, but that would be a really lame joke, too.

If it wasn't a joke and he wasn't drunk, I find it hard to believe he'd seriously expect me to be receptive to discussing a band reunion at that time of night. Very strange...

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