Saturday, January 08, 2011

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Yes, I've gotten lazy about keeping up the blog, and was especially busy around the holidays. Things were relatively uneventful this year, which I consider a Good Thing. In fact, I'm not technically done with the holidays yet, as I haven't gotten together with one of my sisters yet.

Work has been crazy since the first of the new year, which is not unusual. A lot of people will postpone dealing with their claims until the holidays are past if they can, then once they've gotten past the holidays, they want to get the claim squared away so they can have a clean slate for the new year. The result for me is that I have a lot of work all at once that isn't actually terribly urgent, but is perceived by the person I'm dealing with as such. It's not a big problem, really, just a little hectic for a week or so.

I've had less to do, work-wise, this holiday season than usual, and we're getting into what is traditionally the slowest part of the year. Beyond some training I'm scheduled to do, my job could be uncharacteristically boring for the next two months or so.

The year has gotten off to a rough start, to be honest, with a number of minor bad breaks and inconveniences. Nothing major, just annoyances. Still, I have plenty of reasons for optimism, and some things to be excited about. For starters, I think I've figured out my roleplaying identity crisis and what to do about it, and I've had a breakthrough in my bass playing that takes me to a new level. Things definitely won't be dull this year, that's for sure.

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