Sunday, January 09, 2011

Four Person Splunge - More Progress

Once again, it was Sal, Nick, Jason and myself. This was our best session since we had Steph. We didn't have new material this time for various reasons. What made it such a good session was that everybody could be readily heard, we had few "train wrecks", and the vocals as a whole were better than usual, at least partially because I had my nasal congestion back under control. There were mistakes, but it was more individual mistakes and fewer group coordination mistakes. Sal contributed his first backing vocals on "Margueritaville" and "Keep On Rockin' in the Free World".

Recording the sessions continues to have benefits, as players notice what they're doing wrong and correct those mistakes, and it didn't take nearly as long to get set up this time, after Jason got some technical advice.

Highlights included "She's Electric", "Lola", "Suspicious Minds" (with Nick adding some vocals), and a much improved "Runaround" due to Jason changing his part substantially and everybody being able to hold it together while I did a solo. We also did "Can't Go Back" again, with Jason playing congas this time, which worked well.

We had a long discussion afterward re: where we're going from here. We'll be adding "The Kids are Alright" in place of "Substitute" (due to technical ease), as well as Bruce Springsteen's "Sherry Darling". Jason would like to see us do more songs from the '90's, and we're going to try to accomodate him as best we can.

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