Sunday, February 06, 2011

Sick for a Week

I don't get sick often (maybe once or twice a year), and when I do, I almost always snap back within two days. I don't remember feeling so physically bad without surgery being involved since I had food poisoning when I was 16. This flu bug started last Monday afternoon. My throat started closing up and a headache creeped up on me during the working day. At the time, I just attributed those things to work tension, as I was having a bad night. When I got home from work and started having dinner, I started experiencing serious chills, and was soon shaking. My wife had to help me get to bed because I couldn't get there myself.

I'll spare the reader the rest of the details, except that I'm still wrestling through this thing. I've gotten nothing done for a damn week, I'm frustrated as heck, and I'm still not done with it. I've been sleeping sitting up in a chair because any attempts to sleep in bed result in uncontrollable and painful coughing for a half hour or so. I'm feeling a little better, if not 100%, and hope to go to work tomorrow.

My wife is on Day Three herself, and generally recovers much more slowly than I do. This isn't good.

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