Monday, September 05, 2011


Wife and I have been doing some serious cleaning up around our house over the last month or so. Most of the rooms in the house are now cleaner than they've been since we first bought the place. We still have some heavy duty outdoor work to do since Hurricane Irene passed through and took down three of our trees, but we now have the worst of that removed from the yard and it won't be much longer before the yard goes dormant for the fall.

Then our attention can turn to the remaining interior work, which is down to one room on our main floor plus the basement, and I'd already started on the basement in bits and pieces before this major focus began.

The cost of all of this has been that my creative work has come to a virtual standstill for the last month, which hasn't been good for my state of mind. By this time next year, though, I may actually have more time available and a better living environment to boot because we will have simplified our living area as well as cleaning it.

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