Thursday, September 08, 2011

Cycling Through Mistakes

Sometimes you have to make the same mistake multiple times before you figure things out. I've gone through a couple of cycles of one particularly stupid mistake since February or so. Not constantly, but once every couple of weeks or months.

It all starts with sleep, or lack thereof. Because I didn't get enough sleep, I cut out my morning meditation and/or yoga because I need the sleep more. Because I cut out my morning meditation and/or yoga, I don't feel as emotionally balanced, and I make foolish mistakes. Then I either can't sleep because I'm thinking about those foolish mistakes, or the foolish mistake is just deciding to stay up later to get something done, causing me to repeat the cycle. Stupid, I know, but for some reason, it's very easy for me to fall into this particular trap. And the cure for the cycle is simply to get enough sleep to return to my routine.

So, note to self: get enough sleep (or return to getting enough sleep ASAP, if something messes up my sleep cycle) and maintain my routine to stay mentally/emotionally centered!

1 comment:

Narcissos said...

I happen to agree wholeheartedly with you on this.