Sunday, October 02, 2011

Splunge - 10/2/11

No Sal this time, just Jason, Nick, and myself. Sounded pretty good, all in all, but the solos suffered a lot without Sal. Nick and I each took a couple, and we went without one on a couple of songs. Neither of us did much to make a case for ourselves as regular soloists. I was pleased with my own solo on "Runaround", but I always play that one anyway.

We made it through almost the entire song list, except for a few songs that just plain don't work without the second guitar. "Help Me Rhonda" still flat out isn't working, and I'm going to suggest that we drop it.

"Low Budget" took a step back; Nick really needs the second guitar to keep himself together on that one.

Started using a pick again this session, moving to a guitar pick rather than the heavier picks I used to use. I think it tightened up the sound of the band as a whole by giving me a more percussive sound that I tied in with Jason's drumming. The pick, incidentally, was one I made myself from an old AAA card with a pick punch my wife gave me as a gift.

Also, I experimented with playing more assertively and driving the band myself rather than my usual approach of listening to everyone else and trying to rhythmically tie it all together. I led rather than followed, which worked better for my role in this particular band, and I'm going to stick with it.

Next session is tentatively scheduled for two weeks from today, and I hope I'll be able to do it with everything else I have going on at the moment.

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