Saturday, September 08, 2012

JW - 9/6/2012

Another Thursday night practice leading up to our second show, with everybody on board.

We were very loud, and initially, not very good.  We did get better later, though.  "The Boys Are Back in Town" continues to get better, but still isn't quite up to standard.  This caused some debate among us as to whether or not we should plan on including it in the set list with two practices left before the next show.  We agreed that we still had time before a final decision was necessary.  The discussion underlined some of the differences in personal approach to performing.  Dale is the one most reluctant to put an iffy song in front of an audience.  Andy and Bill seemed most confident on the other side of the equation, and Keith didn't say much.  I'm leaning toward agreement with Andy and Bill, having caught the fearless bug while playing with Tom Hampton.

No sign of "Lights", so I think we can count that one out.

Dale is still playing with the set list, which is fine with me.  We have more than enough comfortable material; it's just a matter of changing it up enough to keep the interest of audience members who have seen us before.

I definitely wasn't playing well this time.  I'd had a hard time getting to practice (two separate traffic jam) and it threw me off initially.  I've got to try to be more focused next time.

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