Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Three Person Splunge - This Time Without Jason

This was the first Splunge session that didn't include Jason, our drummer, so it was just Sal, Nick, and I. The upside of not having a drummer is that we took the time to go over things that would've bored Jason silly, such as working out vocal harmony ("Hotel Yorba" and "The Kids are Alright") and group guitar riffs (the Warren Zevon version of "Poor Poor Pitiful Me"). I also showed Nick how to play the bass part for "Once Bitten Twice Shy", which we'll be bringing back as of the next session with the two of us trading instruments because I seem to be the only one of the three of us who can handle the rhythm guitar part (both guitar players tire out their hands before the song is over).

We added two new songs for this session, which were "The Kids are Alright" by the Who and "Sherry Darling" by Bruce Springsteen. The harmonies on "Kids" started coming together on the second or third attempt, and I think this is going to be one of my favorites. "Sherry Darling" could be fun, but we have some timing problems with it, and I'm not sure having a drummer will cure them.

Almost all of the material continues to improve now that we have a set line-up. I don't need to continue bringing that up, but the change has continued to be dramatic. I would've expected to hit a plateau by now. We'd chosen "Once Bitten" and "Dani California" before and temporarily shelved each of them, but I expect to bring back both of them (and no other new material) for the next session.

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