Sunday, August 22, 2010

Still In Neutral

I had a wonderful idea for my local GURPS Cabal campaign yesterday. It's one of those ideas that shapes everything else around it, so I'm happy about that. It's even good enough that I'd like to find a way to bring it into the convention continuity if I can.

Other than that, though, I'm still feeling creatively uninspired. The good thing about that is that I've gotten a lot of yard work done this past week because I haven't felt much like doing anything else. I'm still maintaining all of the things I usually do (if not with any particular enthusiasm), but I'm not doing anything new with any of them.

I wouldn't call it a depression; it's just a blah feeling. So I'll just keep an eye out for something new to fire me up, and try to be patient until that happens. Maybe tonight's GURPS Cabal session will help.

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